
How to Finger Knit

Give those small muscles the workout they need!

| February 2017

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If you’re wondering why your 4-year-old can’t sit still, just remember that they have over 600 muscles that need daily exercise! While active, full body play is essential for big muscles, don’t forget fine motor activities to give their small muscles a workout too.

Finger knitting is a fantastic, and addictive, activity for preschoolers. It builds dexterity and strength in those small muscles which control the hand, fingers, and thumb—all critical for later writing skills. Finger knitting also encourages eye-hand coordination, concentration, and perseverance—all equally important for children’s development. (Interestingly enough, when a child is fully engaging their small muscles, their large muscles relax and they actually can sit still!)


Do you know how to finger knit? Here are simple instructions and a catchy little song that make it fun and easy. All you need is a small ball of yarn.


Step by Step Instructions:

1 slip knot

1. Start with a simple slipknot near the end of the yarn to make the first loop. Slide it onto your forefinger.

2 second loop

2. Loop the yarn over your finger again, above the original loop.

3 pull loop over

3. Grasp the original loop and slip it over the second loop.

4 drop loop

4. Slide it off your finger, making a stitch.

5 pull tails

5. Pull the “tail” so the stitch tightens.

6 repeat

6. Make another loop, pull the first loop over, tighten . . . repeat over and over and over!

Once your child masters the technique, they will soon be churning out yards of finger knitted cord. Kids will naturally find uses for it themselves—bracelets, headbands, or other decorative uses. If you (the teacher) know how to crochet, it is fun to turn the balls of finger knitting into pot holders or even a large rug! Any other ideas?

Physical Development, Projects and Activities